Death n decay addons
Death n decay addons

death n decay addons

Figurine – Emerald Boar – Jewelcrafting (400).Gnomish Lightning Generator – Engineering (425).Fezzik’s Pocketwatch – The Last Line of Defense.Vestige of Haldor – Heroic Utgarde Pinnacle (King Ymiron).Incisor Fragment – Heroic Drak’Tharon Keep (King Dred).Meteorite Whetstone – Heroic Utgarde Pinnacle (King Ymiron).

death n decay addons

Sphere of Red Dragon’s Blood – Heroic Nexus (Keristrasza).Band of Frosted Thorns – Heroic Nexus (Ormorok the Tree-Shaper).Death-Inured Sabatons – Ebon Blade Reputation (Exalted).Spiked Titansteel Treads – Blacksmithing.The Obliterator Greaves – Heroic Violet Hold (Zuramat the Obliterator).Rift Striders – Heroic Nexus (Anomalus).Strategist’s Belt – Heroic Utgarde Keeep (Prince Keleseth).Flame Bathed Steel Girdle – Heroic Nexus (Keristrasza).Bands of the Stoneforge – Heroic Halls of Stone (Sjonnir the Ironshaper).Golden Limb Bands – Heroic Azjol-Nerub (Krik’thir the Gatewatcher).Legplates of Bloody Reprisal – Wyrmrest Reputation (Exalted).Legplates of Steel Implants – Heroic Culling (Meathook).Staggering Legplates – Heroic Utgarde Keep (Ingvar the Plunderer).Gauntlets of Capture – Heroic Violet Hold (Cyanigosa).Gauntlets of Dragon Wrath – Heroic Oculus (Cache of Eregos).Engraved Chestplate of Eck – Heroic Gundrak (Eck the Ferocious).Bonegrinder Breastplate – Heroic Old Kingdom (Prince Taldaram).Cloak of Bloodied Waters – Heroic Gundrak Random Drop.Gold Star Spaulders – Oracles Reputation (Revered).Spaulders of the Giant Lords – Sons of Hodir Reputation (Revered).Snake Den Spaulders – Heroic Gundrak (Slad’ran).Gold Amulet of Kings – Heroic Utgarde Pinnacle (King Ymiron).Charged Titanium Specs – Engineering (440).Fang Deflecting Faceguard – Argent Crusade Reputation (Revered).Planetary Helm – Heroic Halls of Lightning (Loken).Chitin Shell Greathelm – Heroic Azjol’Nerub (Anub’arak).You should be able to begin raiding Naxxramas by acquiring one thing for each equipment slot on this list. This is a DPS Death Knight Pre-Raid Best in Slot list for The World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King expansion.

Death n decay addons